- Learning and writing code with VIPER Architecture
- Learning and writing Unit Test
The project was designed and completed with the VIPER architecture in order to adhere to a manageable Clean Code structure.
After the final adjustments, the project took its final form, albeit with Unit Tests that are not yet completed.
In order to maintain the structure of modularity, each structure was designed in a simple and understandable way to manage its own tasks and responsibilities.
For CleanCode, SwiftLint was added to the project with certain rules, and an effort was made to comply with these rules as much as possible.
mkdir GetirFinalProject
cd GetirFinalProject
git clone https://github.com/eunverdi/GetirFinalProject.git
open .
- Users must navigate to products details
- Users must add products to the cart
- Users must delete a single item
VIPER. In addition, Storyboard and XIB structures were not used. The entire interface was designed programmatically.
- UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, which is available in iOS 13+, was used.
- For the network structure, Moya, which uses Alamofire at its core, was preferred.
- The management of all images was done with SDWebImage.
- The products to be added to the cart, and the recording of all their information, and the use of this data when needed, was provided by CoreData.