OOP Todo List This project is a simple Todo List application built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach.
The application allows users to create a list of tasks they want to accomplish and mark them as completed when they are done. The user can also delete individual tasks or clear the entire list.
The application is structured in an object-oriented way, with a Task class that represents a single task and a TaskList class that manages the list of tasks. The user interface is built with HTML and styled with CSS.
Getting started To run this application, simply clone this repository to your local machine and open the index.html file in your web browser.
bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/your-username/oop-todo-list.git Usage To use the application, simply type in the task you want to add to the list in the input field and press the 'Add Task' button. The task will be added to the list, and you can mark it as completed by clicking on the checkbox next to it. You can also delete a task by clicking on the 'x' button next to it or clear the entire list by clicking on the 'Clear All' button.
Acknowledgments This project was inspired by the Todo List project in the MiladTech Youtube Channel.