
Contrastive Person Search with Weak Supervision (person search term project)

Primary LanguagePython

Person Search Term Project


- numpy>=1.18.1
- opencv>=3.4.2
- pytorch>=1.4.0
- torchvision>=0.5
- scikit-learn>=0.22.1


  1. Download CUHK-SYSU dataset and unzip it in person_search/dataset.
  2. Run simclr_training.py for representation learning.
  3. Run PersonSearch.py for person search.

Source codes

  1. Dataset folder tree
 +-- dataset
     +-- CUHK-SYSU
         +-- Image
         |   |
         |   +-- SSM
         |   +-- bbox (to be appeared by data_preprocessing.py)
         |       | 
         |       +-- TestG50
         |       +-- Train_only1
         +-- annotation
         |   | 
         |   +-- Images.mat
         |   +-- Person.mat
         |   +-- pool.mat
         |   +-- test
         |       | 
         |       +-- train_test
         |           | 
         |           +-- TestG50.mat
         +-- processed (to be appeared by data_preprocessing.py)
             +-- images.csv
             +-- TestG50_data.csv	
  1. Code tree
 +-- custom_data
 |   |
 |   +-- dataset.py (our own implementation)
 |   +-- data_preprocessing.py (our own implementation)
 |   +-- contrastive_learning.py
 |   +-- view_generator.py
 |   +-- gaussian_blur.py
 +-- models
 |   |
 |   +-- pretrained_model.py
 |   +-- resnet_simclr.py
 |   +-- simclr.py
 +-- simclr_utils
 +-- torchvision_utils
 +-- vision
 +-- checkpoints (to be appeared during training step)
 +-- results (to be appeared during testing step)
 +-- simclr_training.py
 +-- PersonSearch.py