
🐦🌴🌴🌴🦕 A home for ethereum smart contracts. 🏠

Primary LanguageSolidity


🐦🌴🌴🌴🦕 A home for ethereum smart contracts, all verified smart contracts from Etherscan. 🏠

Folder Description
contracts folder structure of dumped solidity contract sources
utils utilities for dumping smart contracts from public sources

Note: This repo updates twice a day (ropsten/mainnet).


The folder structure contains the solidity sources. Each file is the address (without 0x) and the contract name, e.g. 0f0c3fedb6226cd5a18826ce23bec92d18336a98_URToken.sol

Some contracts are listed in contracts.json, but this file is not complete. Rely on the file structure for a full list. This repo auto submits contracts to 4byte.directory. Feel free to contribute sources.


Scripts for dumping smart contracts from public sources (etherscan.io, etherchain.com)

requires: pip install -r requirements.txt


To use List of Verified Contract addresses with an OpenSource license, you can download the csv file, add it to the util folder, and run parse_download_contracts_etherscan_io.py (with your etherscan API). This will add the new contracts to the appropriate folder


Feel free to contribute smart contract sources, scripts for dumping sources or your analysis results with us.


  • deduplication script (link instead of duplicate)
  • statistics
  • code-hash (without comments; maybe compile and hash bytecode to dedup sources)


If you are using this dataset in your research and paper, here's how you can cite this dataset:

  • APA6
Ortner, M., Eskandari, S. (n.d.). Smart Contract Sanctuary. Retrieved from https://github.com/tintinweb/smart-contract-sanctuary.
  • LateX (Bib)
          title={Smart Contract Sanctuary}, 
          author={Ortner, Martin and Eskandari, Shayan}}