
Intent Solver architecture

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


An intent-solver framework, for customized problem-specific computing solutions.


  1. Given a well specified computing problem, like trading on a (or multiple) DEXes with many economic agents, users express their Intent, that is, their desired outcome given the user inputs satisfying precise (boundary) constraints.

  2. Intents are aggregated in batches, and each batch is processed via multiple Solver's. A Solver is an entity, with enough available compute power, that produces a solution specific to the processed batch.

  3. Solutions presented by Solver's should, ideally, satisfy the biggest number of participants, by a well defined metric (which is context dependent).

  4. Given such a metric, users satisfaction over a solution can be quantified, which allows to choose the best solution among all proposed Solver's solutions. The best available solution(s) then accrues fues to Solvers.

  5. In this way, we allow for a market between user Intents and Solvers compute power.


As previously mentioned, consider the case in which multiple market participants express their trade Intent (for example, Alice expresses the intent of swaping X tokens A by at least an amount Y of tokens B, at a current fixed price).

These trading Intents are aggregated into a batch of N, with a fixed price (possibly, the average price, over multiple oracles, at the given time of execution).

A Solver provides a possible solution to the current problem (possibly, by matching Alice's trade with Bob's, in which the aggregate satisfies all the constraints).

Given the proposed solution, users express their satisfaction, if their intent has been processed and the solution with highest number of processed trades is chosen.

The Solver who proposed this solution accrues the fees, and the trades are performed (say, on a DEX, or multiple DEXes).

Cryptographic guarantees

To automize the described process, we propose the use of Zero Knowledge cryptography to testify to the following requirements:

  1. Intents are signed by users, so they can be claimed. We use ECDSA signatures of Ethereum's EIP-712 structured hash of the Intent contents, full compatible with Ethereum's signature scheme.

  2. Intent constraints are satisfied by each proposed solution. This reflects the integrity of each Solver's solution.

Related work

We present a, possibly non-exhaustive, list of related projects, which we derived inspiration from:

  1. Cow swap intent based trade platform:


  1. Anoma's intent centric protocol:
