
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Test Chat

Project developed in PluralSight course (https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/build-isomorphic-app-react-flux-webpack-firebase/table-of-contents)

Setting up the environment

Install the dependencies

npm install

Adding new packages can be achieved with npm install package-name --save which will add the dependency to package.json, which is similar to the Gemfile file for Bundler. Differently from Bundler, npm install won't generate a lock file (like Gemfile.lock) but something similar may be achieved with npm shrinkwrap although it won't be run automatically by npm install. I'd appreciate any input from Node.js users on how to manage dependencies in Node. When npm install package-name --save is used, it will specify the version in package.json, so maybe this is the proper way to go for projects...

Running the webpack-dev-server

Development environment:

webpack-dev-server --progress

The --progress would show the progress of build modules and assets.

You may access on http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/

Edit this file src/main.js and change window.debugMode to what you want, if true enable console.log to tell when passing by a component/action/source


  • Extract the debugMode to ENV var
  • Extract Firebase data to ENV var or generic class with this data
  • Add unit tests (with Jasmine)
  • Add integration tests (with Karma)
  • Update README
  • Change authentication mode to use AuthToken to let reload the page