
Report template and Matlab codes used to generate DMQC report for core Argo parameters

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository include the report template and Matlab codes used to generate plots requied in the DMQC report for core Argo parameters. The majority of plots to complie the report are generated by the OWC software. The other plots reqired to generate this report are included in folder Matlab_codes_plots.

LaTex template

The report template has been created based on the LaTeX software. This template is WMOnum_DMQCreport_YYYYMMDD.tex. The gudelines how to install and use the LaTex software can be found in LaTeX_DMQC_report_template_guidelines.pdf.

There is also available an online version of this template, using the online Overleaf LaTeX editor, which can be found here https://www.overleaf.com/read/xhnxyjcfmkmc

.pdf version of template

The .pdf version of DMQC report template can be found in WMOnum_DMQCreport_YYYYMMDD.pdf.

Matlab codes

The Matlab codes are included in folder Matlab_codes_plots. The example data and plots used to generate report are in Example_float.


This code is generating:

  • Argo float data plotted against the CTD referenced data
  • Trajectory plot of Argo float
  • time series of potential temperature and salinity data of Argo float

How to use?

The input and output directories in this fucntion are set to read an example data from folder Example_float. To use this function for other floats you need to change the directories in the code.

  • the code is using the input data from float source .m file, whichc is an entry to run the OWC software (This matrix can be generated using the create_float_source.m located in https://github.com/euroargodev/dm_floats repository).

  • set the directory of the CDT reference data in additional codes: plotwmoboxt.m, plotwmoboxts.m, plotwmoboxsal.m.

  • run the code by using the WMO float number

       >> check_raw_data(float_name), e.g. check_raw_data(3901520)       


This code is generating plot with the correction applied the sea surface pressure data. This plot is used for the floats (e.g. APEX) where the pressure sensor is not auto-corrected to zero while at the sea surface, hance the pressure data in was corrected during processing in delayed mode.

How to use?

The input and output directories in this fucntion are set to read an example data from folder Example_float. To use this function for other floats you need to change the directories in the code.

  • the code is using the input data from surf_pres .m file. This file need to be generated internally by organisations.

  • run the code by using the WMO float number

       >> surf_pres(float_name), e.g. surf_pres(3901520)