
Produce grid geometries for statistics. As GIS vector datasets.

Primary LanguageJavaEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

Eurostat GridMaker

GridMaker produces GIS grid datasets of various resolutions covering user-defined countries or regions:

Eurostat Grid Maker

Quick start

  1. Download gridmaker-1.3.zip and unzip somewhere.
  2. Run: java -jar GridMaker.jar -res 200 -epsg 2169 -i pathTo/myRegions.geojson to make a grid of resolution 200m for the Coordinate Reference System EPSG:2169 where pathTo/myRegions.geojson is the input area to be covered by the grid. You can alternativelly edit and execute gridmaker.bat (or gridmaker.sh for Linux users).

To capture the input geometry to be covered by the grid and store it as a *.geojson file, you can use http://geojson.io/ or any GIS software.



Java 1.9 or higher is required. The java version installed, if any, can be found with java --version command. Recent versions of Java can be installed from here.

Input parameters

The help is displayed with java -jar GridMaker.jar -h command.

Parameter Required Description Default value
-h Show the help message
-res The grid resolution (pixel size). Note that the unit of measure is expected to be the same as the one of the coordinate reference system. 100 000
-epsg The EPSG code of the grid coordinate reference system. '3035', corresponding to ETRS89-LAEA.
-i Input file containing the geometry of the region to be covered by the grid. Supported formats and file extensions: GeoJSON (*.geojson), SHP (*.shp), GeoPackage (*.gpkg).
-tol A tolerance distance to keep the cells that are not too far from the specified region. 0
-gt The type of grid cell geometry: The squared surface representation ('SURF') or its center point ('CPT'). 'SURF'
-o Output file. The supported formats and file extensions are GeoPackage (*.gpkg), GeoJSON (*.geojson) and SHP (*.shp) 'out.gpkg'

For coders

Install JGiscoTools and see the instructions here.


GridMaker is used at Eurostat-GISCO for the production of gridded datasets. It supports the creation of GIS datasets representing statistical grids based on the European ETRS89-LAEA coordinate reference system (EPSG:3035), which are compliant with the Census 2021 regulation, the INSPIRE regulation and the GEOSTAT initiative.

Support and contribution

Feel free to ask support, fork the project or simply star it (it's always a pleasure). The source code is currently stored as part of JGiscoTools repository. It is mainly based on GeoTools and JTS Topology Suite.