
Exploration project using Event Sourcing, CQRS, MediatR and Hexagonal/Clean Architecture (.net core)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Simple Payment Gateway

Simple Payment Gateway is an example of how to approach a real-world problem using:

  • Event Sourcing
  • CQRS
  • Mediator Pattern
  • Hexagonal/Clean architecture

This is an exploration project. Please don't expect a production-ready code.

The solution includes a Payment Gateway Service and a Bank Simulator. The Bank Simulator is a Fake service for development purposes.

The system is currently storing the information in memory.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed .net core 3.1


To build simple-payment-gateway, follow these steps:

Linux and macOS:




Using simple-payment-gateway

To use simple-payment-gateway, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the FakeBank service endpoint at the PaymentGateway.Api appsettings.json file
  2. Start the FakeBank Service
  3. Start the PaymentGateway.Api Service
    1. You can interact with it using the REST API or accessing the Swagger page at /swagger

Testing payments

Send a POST request to the endpoint /api/Payments.

JSON payload example:

  "amount": 200,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "card": {
    "type": "VISA",
    "name": "GF",
    "number": "1111222233334444",
    "expireMonth": 12,
    "expireYear": 2020,
    "cvv": 123

What's next / Improvement ideas

  • Implement a Database
  • Idempotency
  • Logging
  • Use Correlation Id for tracking requests
  • Implement an enumeration with the accepted Card Types
  • Unit tests - Implement the Builder pattern to simplify data initialization
  • Implement Integration Tests
  • Ensure that Personal Identifiable Information is anonymized