
A 2D openGL event layout planner for drawing layouts of events like banquettes or conference sessions

Primary LanguageC++

Event Planner

Renders 2D shapes and patterns to simulate an event planner application, where a dynamic number of various item symbols symbolizes different items like chairs, tables, or lamps.




  1. Plant: symbolized by a many-pointed star, resembling a palm or fern from above.
  2. Coat rack: symbolized by the quadrifolia. The perimeter vertices are obtained by evaluating a rose-curve formula.
  3. Striped: stripe orientation is currently fixed at 45 degrees, but the colors and widths are parametrizable.
  4. Heartbeat: passed time as an uniform to the shaders to generate smoothly changing, pulsating colors.
  5. Mouse pick: clicking near the center of an object selects it and deselects other objects.
  6. Mouse drag: object translation corresponds with mouse offset.
  7. Key rotate: change orientations of the selected objects when the A or D keys are held down.
  8. Delete: selected objects should be removed if DEL is pressed.
  9. Zoom: pressing Z should zoom in, pressing X should zoom out.
  10. Move camera: I, J, K, L keys to move camera


  • OpenGL
  • GLUT