
Android memory-based card game

Primary LanguageKotlin

Goldfish Memory

Android memory-based card game that supports user authentication/login, best score tracking with a cloud database, and leaderboard functionalities.

Login Screen User Profile Game Leaderboard


Login page: authentication handled with Firebase

Home page: navigation options include logout, play game, check profile, or view leaderboard

Profile: displays user's best (shortest time), number of total games played, and a simple icon. This icon can be changed by selecting from a dialog of 6 custom images.

Memory game: shows a grid-like display of face-down cards with a ticking timer

  • click on a card to flip it over
  • when two cards are flipped
    • if they are same, both disappear
    • if they are different, both are flipped back over
  • game ends when all cards are flipped

Leaderboard: uses RecyclerView and CardView to display the scores of players (stored and loaded using Firebase), sorted from shortest to longest time