
Stack with logarithmic time append, has_suffix and truncate

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

Suffix Stack data structure

The suffix stack is a stack datastructure supporting fast (logarithmic time) append(s : S), has_suffix(s : S) -> bool, and truncate(to : int) over a set of strings S, each indexed (in pseudo-linear (O(N log N)) time and space) before use. See comments in the source code for details.

The motivation behind this datastructure is linear time Wasm Validation in the face of the standardised multi-value proposal, which has that an arbitrary number of values on the stack may need to be verified per instruction:

  (type $f
    (param i32 i32 (; ... x N ;) i32)
    (result i32 i32 (; ... x N ;) i32))
  (func $g (import "a" "b") (type $f))
    (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (; ... x N ;) (i32.const 0)
    (call $g) ;; each call must verify that the correct types are on the stack
    (call $g)
    (; ... x M ;)
    (call $g)))


Builds with CMake and C++20:

$ cd /path/to/sources
$ cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
$ cmake --build build
$ build/tests


This code is public domain. See LICENSE.