

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Helpful commands:

  • build a container: docker build . -t moozzyk/boat-scraper
  • start a container (also creates and attaches a volume for the db): docker run -dp 3000:3000 --mount type=volume,src=boat-scraper-vol,target=/home/app-user/.boat-scraper -d moozzyk/boat-scraper
  • copy db onto the volume (scraper.js will create a new db if none exists): docker cp ~/tmp/scraperdb ecbe3cdd3c47:/home/app-user/.boat-scraper/. The owner of the file will be node and app-user will not have permissions to write (i.e. scrape.js will fail)
  • log into container as root: docker exec -it --user root ecbe3cdd3c47 /bin/bash
  • change owner to allow writing: chown -R app-user:app-user ~/.boat-scraper/scraperdb

Steps to update

docker stop tender_dhawan
docker run -dp 3000:3000 --mount type=volume,src=boat-scraper-vol,target=/home/app-user/.boat-scraper -d moozzyk/boat-scraper
docker ps # get the new image name
docker rm tender_dhawan
docker rename {new_image_name} tender_dhawan #