- This repo includes Flickr image crawler and downloader used in following paper.
- It does NOT need any Flickr API to work (If requested, use Flickr's public api key). It makes queries and pulls data through Flickr's public website.
- It ofcourse only crawls publicly shared photos for a given geographical bounding box.
- Find appropriate downloader from src folder.
- Import db template file (e.g. baseDB.sql) in localhost
- Include necessary lib files into eclipse.
- Fill bounding box coordinates of the city you want to crawl, then, crawl the users who puplicly share a photo within that bounding box.
- Once users are crawled, then start downloading photos.
- Check paper for details to make filtering for your purpose.
Please cite to following paper(s) if you use this crawler for academic purpose;
E. Uzun and H. T. Sencar, “JpgScraper: An Advanced Carver for JPEG Files”, IEEETransactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019.
E. Uzun and H. T. Sencar, “Carving orphaned jpeg file fragments”, IEEETransactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 10, no. 8, pp.1549–1563, 2015.