- 3
Nobil integration & real-time data
#360 opened by robho - 0
Deleted chargers are not removed from DB
#364 opened by johan12345 - 3
Deal with increased costs for Chargeprice API
#320 opened by johan12345 - 0
- 0
Comma at the end of address field
#359 opened by Altonss - 0
Empty charging cost field
#358 opened by Altonss - 1
Better handle unknown charger information
#357 opened by Altonss - 2
- 5
Add support for links
#313 opened by Altonss - 1
- 2
Calculate distance to charger from arbitrary point.
#354 opened by kscholty - 2
- 3
Some markers disapper on zoom
#351 opened by arminfuerst - 2
Improve Marker clustering
#307 opened by arminfuerst - 1
Add app to Obtainium store
#349 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 1
Settings crash in 1.9.3
#352 opened by celsoazevedo - 2
Map goes away - unusable
#346 opened by programmin1 - 1
Show date of uploaded pictures
#350 opened by holdit - 0
Add filter by maximum power
#348 opened by johan12345 - 1
Cannot add new station on the app
#347 opened by programmin1 - 3
Empty map (OpenGL ES 3.0 required now?)
#345 opened by flyingOwl - 2
- 1
Update app screenshots on Google Play
#341 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 2
- 4
Use generateLocaleConfig gradle feature
#330 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 0
Add upload artifact actions in workflow
#339 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 2
- 1
App shortcut doesn't work
#338 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 1
- 3
Error message is not synced with app theme
#336 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 0
- 1
Crash on filter screen in split screen
#331 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 0
- 0
Layer button has not the right color
#332 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 2
Start navigation in Organic Maps
#327 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 1
"Immediate navigation" option: Only make available if Google Maps is installed
#326 opened by johan12345 - 4
Weird status info
#310 opened by Altonss - 1
Thank you!
#316 opened by zWhdmB5T - 0
- 1
[Improvement] Import / Export of Favorites
#325 opened by MightyShadow702 - 2
- 3
Favorite list: keeps updating realtime status for chargers that don't have any available info
#318 opened by Altonss - 0
- 0
Make the name of the charger copyable?
#315 opened by Altonss - 1
- 2
java/net/vonforst/evmap/EvMapApplication.kt:43:52 Unresolved reference: acra_credentials
#309 opened by alex83100 - 0
Wrong layout at the bottom after rotate device
#305 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 3
- 0
Rotate the device cancel deletion of favorites
#304 opened by Jean-BaptisteC - 1