
Demo a Kinesis Data Stream with a hot shard. Use CloudWatch to view the per shard message count

Primary LanguagePython

Kinesis Data Stream CloudWatch

map-user map-user map-user

A demo that will intially deploy a Kinesis data stream with 4 shards and sample python scripts run in Cloud9 that purposly send a higher volume of messages to a single shard on Kinesis. This sets up a scenario with where a Kinesis data stream has a hot shard. Subseqently you enable enhanced monitoring on the Kinesis data stream and deploy a CloudWatch dashboard to identify the hot shard


  1. Deploy CloudFormation for Kinesis + Cloud9

Launch CloudFormation Stack

The CloudFormation will deploy the following architecture


  1. Enable enhanced shard-level metrics on the Kinesis data stream
  • Navigate to the Kinesis Data Stream Console
  • Click on hot-shard-data-stream
  • Navigate to the Configuration tab
  • Enable all Enhanced (shard-level) metrics
  1. Send data to Kinesis via. Python scripts in Cloud9
  • Navigate to the Cloud9 console
  • Click on the kinesis-cloud9 enviorment
  • Run each script in a seperate Cloud9 terminal
    • python Kinesis_Data_Stream_Monitoring/Data_Producer/2a_send_data_to_a_shard_0.py
    • python Kinesis_Data_Stream_Monitoring/Data_Producer/2b_send_data_to_a_shard_1.py
    • python Kinesis_Data_Stream_Monitoring/Data_Producer/2c_send_data_to_a_shard_2.py
    • python Kinesis_Data_Stream_Monitoring/Data_Producer/2d_send_data_to_a_shard_3.py
  1. Deploy CloudWatch dashboard

The CloudFormation will deploy a CloudWatch dashboard

Launch CloudFormation Stack

The cloudwatch dashboard will produce a graph that looks something like the image below. Notice that the message count is higher for shard-0000 ... compared to the other shards


shard-0000 ... is our hot shard!