
Access the OpenSearch dashboard of a domin deployed in a private subnet via. a Nginx Proxy

OpenSearch Dashboard Nginx Proxy

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Amazon OpenSearch services can deploy a domain in a private VPC, subnet(s). Deploying OpenSearch in a private subnet blocks traffic to the OpenSearch dashboard via. the public internet.

A Nginx proxy can be configured on an Ec2 in a public subnet (in the same VPC as the private subnet) to proxy traffic to the OpenSearch dashboard. Enabling you to have a OpenSearch domain deployed in a private subnet with a OpenSearch dashboard accessible from the public internet

Follow the instructions below

  1. Run the CloudFormation stack below

Launch CloudFormation Stack

The resources created by the CloudFormation stack are documented in the architecture below


  1. Install NGINX on Ec2

SSH into the Ec2 that was created by the cloudformation and run the following commands on the terminal.

Note you will need to update the ec2 security group to allow incoming traffic from your IP address before you can SSH into the Ec2 instance.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install nginx

Create SSL self-signed certificate

The OpenSearch dashboard URL uses https. Consequently we need to have SSL enabled in our Nginx proxy. We will generate a self-signed certificate to use as part of our SSL configuration.

Run the following commands on the terminal of the Ec2 created by the cloudformation

cd /etc/nginx/

sudo openssl genrsa -des3 -out /etc/nginx/private.key 2048

sudo openssl rsa -in private.key -out public.key

sudo openssl req -new -key public.key -out certificate_signing_request.csr

sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certificate_signing_request.csr -signkey public.key -out self_signed_certificate.crt

Configure Nginx

  1. Run the following commands on the terminal of the Ec2 created by the cloudformation

cd sites-enabled

sudo vim default

Delete all of the content in the default file. Update the 3 <os_domain_url> placeholders in the ngnix_config file. Copy/past the updated ngnix_config into the default file. Save and close the default file.

  1. Restart / start Nginx

Restart the Nginx service to have the changes made to the configuration take effect. Run the following commands on the terminal of the Ec2 created by the cloudformation

sudo service nginx restart

If you need to stop or start Nginx issue the commands below as needed

sudo service nginx start

sudo service nginx stop

  1. Access OpenSearch dashboard via. public internet

To access the OpenSearch dashboard ensure that the ec2 security group will accept incoming traffic for your source. In a web browser navigate to https://<ec2's-public-ip>/_dashboards

Your web browser may flag the website as insecure. This is because we are using a self-signed SSL certificate instead of a SSL certificate signed by a trusted authority. Procced to the website. You will see the OpenSearch dashboard log in page.


Future Improvement(s)

  1. Containerize Nginx server
  2. High availability Nginx server (ie. two servers behind an elastic load balancer)