
A IR controlling system for the ESP8266

SuperBlaster Logo

SuperBlaster : ESP8266 based infrared Hub


SuperBlaster provides a simple REST Interface to learn and send saved commands to infrared devices, thus enabling them to be linked with smart home applications.

REST Interface

🔍 List all learned commands

SuperBlaster saves all learned commands on the ESP8266, in order to get a list of all learned commands, send a HTTP request to

GET -> http://<ESP8266-address>/

💡 Learning new commands

To learn a new command simply send a HTTP GET request like this.

GET -> http://<ESP8266-address>/learn?id=<Unique Identifier>&name=<Command Name>

✉️ Sending learned commands

In order to send a command, send a HTTP GET request like the example below

GET -> http://<ESP8266-address>/send?id=<Unique Identifier>

❌ Delete learned commands

If you wish to remove a command from SuperBlaster, send a HTTP GET request like this

GET -> http://<ESP8266-address>/delete?id=<Unique Identifier>

☠️ Delete ALL learned commands (Reset)

To reset all commands and perform a factory reset, send the following HTTP GET request

GET -> http://<ESP8266-address>/reset