
compressed texture generation scheme for eva.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The compressed texture generation scheme of eva.js can be used as CLI tool or node module

how to use


for using it by command line you need install @eva/texture-compressor global

  $ npm i @eva/texture-compressor -g

or you only use it as a node module

  $ npm i @eva/texture-compressor


The command line provides simple configuration to enable you to generate compressed textures

  eva-compress img.jpg -t astc,etc,pvrtc,s3tc

For more command line usage, see the help command

  eva-compress -h

Node Module

By calling this module, you will be able to use all activities.

 * compress one image to one compress format.
 * Based on this method, you can encapsulate a compressed texture workflow that is more suitable for your project.
await pack({
  input: './images/a.jpg',
  output: './images/a.astc.jpg',
  type: 'astc',
  format: 'ASTC_4x4',
  // compress quality, use 1--10
  quality: 10,
  square: false,
  mipmap: true,
  pot: false,
  verbose: true,
  flipY: false,
  premultiplyAlpha: true,

 * An encapsulation of the basic pack method,
 * which can more easily generate compressed textures for all files in the folder
await packDir('./assets/images', {
  types: {
    // for one format you can give a string
    astc: 'ASTC_6x6',
    // for multi formats you can give a string array
    etc: ['ETC1', 'ETC2_RGB'],
  outDir: './asserts/textures',
  filter: (path) => path.endsWith('.jpg') || path.endsWith('.png'),
  quality: 8,
  square: false,
  mipmap: false,
  pot: false,
  verbose: true,
  flipY: false,
  premultiplyAlpha: false,
  deepVerbose: true,