======= PyAsm ======= :info: An inline x86 (64bit pending) assembly module for python! (on windows!) :Author: Amihai Neiderman About ===== The PyAsm is a python library intended for the execution of a native x86 assembly code through python code. The idea came to me one day when I needed a fast way to locate the address of the PEB(Process Environment Block) in a given process using python code. Using asm it takes exactly one line of code "mov eax,[fs:30h]" and with ctypes it takes a lot more and require you to go through a couple of semi-documented nt APIs :\ Installation ============ For now I don't have a real installation...So everything has to be done manually! 1) Download the lastest NASM assembler from http://www.nasm.us 2) Place pyAsm.py in your working dir or your >python[version]\lib folder 3) Open pyAsm.py and edit the NASM__ variable (defualt is NASM__ = r'nasm.exe') to the current location of your nasm.exe assembler 4) Run python! Examples ======== >>> from pyAsm import * >>> p = pyAsm(A_32BIT) #We can alse use A_64BIT and A_16BIT! >>> p.update('xor eax,eax') #update the executed code >>> p.update('mov eax,1') >>> p.update('shl eax,10') >>> r = p.run() >>> print 'EAX is:',r.Eax EAX is: 1024