ROMS iceshelfBen's version -- romsiceshelf with typo corrections: ** 20/11/2013 -- modified from Dave's edits in ROMS/External/ Fixed to have the correct CPP flag in ROMS/Nonlinear/step2d_LF_AM3.h: Corrected CPP code in step2d routine in ROMS/Nonlinear/IceShelf/iceshelf_vbc.F: l.514 There is an error in the calculation of the drag stresses, sustr and svstr, in the quadratic parameterisation. This is a coding error, where cff2 is used instead of cff1. ** 15/10/2013 -- modified by evacougnon: in ROMS/Nonlinear/IceShelf/iceshelf_vbc.F (from l.197 to 204): # ifdef DISTRIBUTE # ifdef EW_PERIODIC logical :: EW_PERIODIC=.TRUE. # else logical :: EW_PERIODIC=.FALSE. # endif # ifdef NS_PERIODIC logical :: NS_PERIODIC=.TRUE. # else logical :: NS_PERIODIC=.FALSE. # endif # endif ** 18/09/2013 -- modified by evacougnon: in ROMS/Functionals/ 2 files (ana_initial.h -- l.733 and ana_smflux.h -- l.338): "define ICESHELF2D" replaced by "defined ICESHELFD"