
This application is dedicated to the people using the facilities at Makers Academy, by making their life easier. The facilities-app is built with REACT. Our team has decided to focus on the areas below to improve the quality of everyone at Makers.


The regulation of the temperature in the building can be a source of frustration. To make it more democratic, the Facilities-App allows users to vote on their ideal temperature.

As a user,
so that I can regulate my temperature,
I want to be able to vote on it

Food stock

Snacks and food are provided at Makers Academy. Our Facilities-App allows students and staff to vote for their favourite foods: this allows a better tracking of preferences, and allows a better management of the food supplied for students.

As a user,
so that I can eat food I like,
I want to be able to vote for a certain kind of food
As a user,
so that I can say what I like least
I want to be able to vote for my least favourite food
As a user,
so that I can try new foods,
I want to be able to vote for new/suggested foods

Floor plan for equipment tracking



npm install blah

Challenges and Successes

  • Testing