Junior Dev Challenge

Challenge Instructions

Based on this Prototype, and the code provided (if desired), produce a basic photo album site.

Home Page : List of users User Specific Component : Users name shown at top, Dropdown / Select box listing all albums, when clicked this takes you to the pictures within that album Album Specific Component : Tiles, each with an image on.

Use JSON Placeholder as your data source, specifically /users, /albums, /photos.

You may :

  • Start from scratch and ignore our code
  • Call JSON Placeholder from the client-side or the server-side.
  • Copy code from the web, however please comment your code with where you took it from. We'll be asking questions on how / why you chose to use it and how you modified it to work for you.
  • Get in touch anytime if you have questions or concerns
  • Consider extending the functionality outlined You Must :
  • Bring a laptop with you to the interview
  • Push your code to a Git Repo

Run Instructions

To run the express server npm run dev Open localhost:3000 in your browser Note : If you are getting an 'Access Control Allow Origin' error try opening in Chrome and installing and enabling this chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cors-toggle/jioikioepegflmdnbocfhgmpmopmjkim?hl=en

Let's get started!

User Stories

From the specs above, I have decided to comply with the user stories below

As a user,
so that I can browse my personal photos
I want to be able to see a list of users
As a user,
so that I can see my photos,
I want to be able to click on my name
As a user,
so that I can see my own photo albums,
I want to be able to see a list of all my albums
As a user,
so that I can see photos from a specific album,
I want to be able to click on the album

How to use

Please follow the steps below!

  • Clone and setup repository:

You will need to setup the repo on your local machine; please enter the following commands from your command line:

  $ git clone https://github.com/evadinckel/cordant-test.git

Move into this directory.

  • You will then need to install the dependencies by running the following:
  $ npm install
  • Next: Please run the following command to have the app running:
$ npm start


  • The main goal here is to fetch API data from 3 different endpoints (users/albums/photos)
  • Separation of concerns: creation of 3 different components to have access to this data

The end! :)