
Description of the Problem A car rental company (let's call it CRC) wants to develop a relational database to monitor customers, rentals, fleet and locations.

CRC's fleet consists of cars of different types. A car is described via a unique code (VIN), a description, color, brand, model, and date of purchase. A car may belong to one (exactly one) vehicle category (compact, economy, convertible, etc.). Each category is described by a unique ID, a label and a detailed description. CRC has several locations around the globe. Each location has a unique ID, an address (street, number, city, state, country) and one or more telephone numbers. CRC should also store in this database its customers. A customer is described by a unique ID, SSN, Name (First, Last), email, mobile phone number and lives in a state and country. Customers rent a car, which they pickup from a location and return it another location (not necessarily the same.) A rental is described by a unique reservation number, it has an amount and contains the pickup date and the return date. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Use the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to model entities, relationships, attributes, cardinalities, and all necessary constraints. Use any tool you like to draw the ERD.

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Database Diagram Use SQL Workbench to create the tables and insert a few records into the tables to test your queries below. You will have to hand in the CREATE TABLE statements.

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Now answer to the following

##Query A Show the reservation number and the location ID of all rentals in 5/20/2015

select reservationID, pickupLocationID 
from reservation
where pickupDate = '2015-05-01';

##Query B Show the first and the last name and the mobile phone number of those customers that have rented a car in the category that has label = 'luxury'

select distinct c.firstName, c.lastName,
from customers as c, reservation as r, car_type as t, car 
where c.customerID=r.customerID and r.carID=car.carID and car.typeID=t.typeID and t.typeLabel='Luxury';

##Query C Show the total amount of rentals per location ID (pick up)

select pickupLocationID, count(carID)
from reservation 
group by pickupLocationID;

##Query D Show the total amount of rentals per car's category ID and month

select car.typeID,  extract(year from r.pickupDate) "Year", extract(month from r.pickupDate) "Month", count(r.carID) "No. of Cars"
from  reservation as r, car
where r.carID=car.carID 
group by car.typeID, year, month
order by car.typeID ASC, year ASC, month ASC;

##Query E For each rental’s state (pick up) show the top renting category

create view State as
select o.state, t.typeLabel, count(reservationID) as rentals
from reservation as r, CRC_office as o, car as c, car_type as t
where r.pickupLocationID=o.locationID and r.carID=c.carID and c.typeID=t.typeID 
group by o.state, c.typeID
order by o.state, rentals DESC;

#drop view State;

select state, typeLabel , max(rentals) 
from State
group by state;

##Query F Show how many rentals there were in May 2015 in ‘NY’, ‘NJ’ and ‘CA’ (in three columns)

create view transpose as
select o.state, count(r.reservationID) as rentals
from reservation as r, CRC_office as o
where r.pickupLocationID=o.locationID and 
	(o.state="NY" or o.state="NJ" or o.state="CA") and 
	extract(year from r.pickupDate)=2015 and 
	extract(month from r.pickupDate)=5
group by o.state; 

#drop view transpose;

  sum(if(state = 'NY', rentals, 0)) AS 'NY', 
  sum(if(state = 'NJ', rentals, 0)) AS 'NJ', 
  sum(if(state = 'CA', rentals, 0)) AS 'CA'
        from transpose;

##Query G For each month of 2015, count how many rentals had amount greater than this month's average rental amount g.v1 For each month of 2015, count how many rentals had amount greater than - this - month's average rental amount

SELECT year(a.pickupdate) as yr, month(a.pickupDate) as mnth, count(a.reservationID) as counter
FROM reservation as a
WHERE year(a.pickupDate)=2015 and a.amount > 
(SELECT avg(b.amount)
from reservation as b
where month(a.pickupDate)=month(b.pickupDate) and year(a.pickupDate)=year(b.pickupDate) 
group by month(b.pickupDate))
group by month(a.pickupDate)

##Query G For each month of 2015, count how many rentals had amount greater than this month's average rental amount g.v2 For each month of 2015, count how many rentals had amount greater than - every - month's average rental amount

select year(pickupdate) as yr, month(pickupDate) as mnth, count(reservationID) as counter
from reservation
where amount>all
(select avg(amount)
from reservation
group by month(pickupDate))
and reservationID in
(select reservationID 
from reservation
where year(pickupDate)=2015 )
group by month(pickupDate);

##Query H For each month of 2015, show the percentage change of the total amount of rentals over the total amount of rentals of the same month of 2014

SELECT year(t.pickupdate) as yr, month(t.pickupdate) as mnth, ROUND((t.amount- l.amount) * 100 / 
       t.amount, 2) as percent
FROM      reservation as l
INNER JOIN reservation as t 
ON month(t.pickupdate) = month(l.pickupdate) AND year(l.pickupdate) = year(t.pickupdate) - 1 where year(t.pickupdate)=2015;

##Query I For each month of 2015, show in three columns: the total rentals’ amount of the previous months, the total rentals’ amount of this month and the total rentals’ amount of the following months

select cumTi-ti as prevMonths, ti as thisMonth, cumulativeTotal-cumTi as nextMonths  from
			year(b.pickupdate) AS yr, month(b.pickupdate) AS mnth,
			sum(b.amount) AS ti, (select sum(amount) from reservation where year(pickupdate)=2015) as cumulativeTotal,

						 sum(a.amount) as cumTi 
					  FROM reservation as a
					  WHERE month(a.pickupdate) <= mnth and year(a.pickupdate)=yr
                      GROUP BY mnth ASC
				)as cumTi
            FROM reservation AS b
			where year(b.pickupdate)=2015 
			GROUP BY month(b.pickupdate) ASC
		) as tiandTi