
The purpose of Phraseology is to gather students young and old who want to learn Mandarin. Through continual practice by attending events and studying the videos online, one can hope to become fluent in Chinese.


The motivation behind this application was to create a way for fellow Mandarin Chinese learners to practice their Chinese in group settings but also feeling prepared for the get-togethers using the lessons provided.

Future Plans

Possibly expanding the application into categories to include other languages as well and also create a functionality of practice writing Chinese characters.


As a user, one should be able to create lessons through linking useful YouTube videos to help other users learn Chinese.

As a user, one should be able to create social events that will help users practice their Chinese in real life and to work on their tones.

As a user, one should be able to create a language level that will help differentiate levels of Chinese and foster growth with people in similar skill sets.

As the creator, I hope one is able to use Phraseology as an open source to help others practice and improve their Chinese.

As a user, one should be able to interact and easily visualize the events on the calendar.

Technology used

Phraseology uses Ruby on Rails with the addition of simple_calendar gem to organize and show events, and devise gem to check authentication of user. Styling was added using HTML and CSS.


Thanks to fellow classmate Andy Flickinger for the link and inspiration to use the simple-calendar gem.

Thanks to fellow classmate Eric Green for the ideas and constant support.

Thanks to Hannah Schuster for fixing my local image tag to be able to show on Heroku.

Thanks to excid3 for the github guide to using simple_calendar.

Thanks to YouTube for letting us access their videos using links.