
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

buddy pipeline

Design concept



  1. Install truffle globally with npm install -g truffle.

  2. Run git clone https://github.com/phDooY/cryptocards-solidity && cd cryptocards-solidity

  3. Run npm install to install dependencies.

  4. Configure your MNEMONIC and ENDPOINT used for deployment in .env or sourced in environment variables.

    You may acquire an endpoint URL from Infura

  5. Run truffle console --network ropsten.

  6. Inside the console, run compile to compile the contracts.

  7. Run migrate to deploy the contracts to the Ropsten network.

    You can get free test Ether in order to deploy the contracts from Ropsten Ethereum Faucet.

    Note: It is highly recommended to use migrate --reset instead of just migrate after making changes to the contracts.

  8. Use the cheatsheet below to interact with the contracts.

Truffle console cheatsheet

Get accounts array and a reference to the deployed contract.

a = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
c = await GiftCards.deployed()

Example calls:

// Call a function. Caller is account 0 by default.
await c.addMaintainer(a[0])
// Call payable function from account 3. Value is in wei.
await c.createCard("some hash", "eleni", "security code hash", {from: a[0], value: 200000000000000000})
// Get card data
d = await c.cards(web3.utils.sha3("some hash"))
// Activate card
await c.activateCard.call(web3.utils.sha3("some hash"), "security code hash", '0x0220A73D5113ED7a85A6B610056573b3FD4968Be')

Useful resources

Exchange wrappers: https://github.com/DecenterApps/cdpsaver-contracts/tree/9fdc6b2fc100a1b5df676840f8e2d748354f23bc/contracts/exchange/wrappers