
Traits and adaptors for sequences in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

This crate defines traits and adaptors that allow for generalized handling of sequential data. For the purposes of this crate, a "sequence" is a linear collection of a known (at runtime) number of items. The Sequence and MutSequence traits are the random access equivalent of std::iter::Iterator.


We bring the sequence traits into scope:

use sqnc::{Sequence, MutSequence};

Now we can use std::ops::Range<usize> as a Sequence:

let x = 4..8;
assert_eq!(x.get(1), Some(5));
assert_eq!(x.first(), Some(4));

Similarly for [usize], using Fully Qualified Syntax to disambiguate from the inherent implementation of slice:

let x: &[usize] = &[4, 5, 6, 7];
assert_eq!(Sequence::get(x, 1), Some(&5));
assert_eq!(Sequence::first(x), Some(&4));

Sequence provides adaptors similar to std::iter::Iterator:

let x = [4, 5, 6, 7];
// Using Fully Qualified Syntax to disambiguate from `array::map()`.
let y = Sequence::map(x, |v| v + 2);

Further reading

See the crate documentation for a detailed description.