
Additional data and scripts for data set and data paper.

Primary LanguageR

Additional data for Presence-absence of plant habitat specialists in 15 patches of calcareous, dry grasslands

Contact: Eva Lieungh

This repository contains additional data and resources for the data published on GBIF. Submit an issue if you have questions or comments!


File Description
Gressholmen_polygoner.png Aerial photo from 2018-05-06, Oslo municipality, Ortofoto 10, resolution 0.08 (m), Dekningsnummer TT-14340. Polygons 35_1, ..., 35_15 correspond to polygons 1-15 in the data. The number '35' denotes the grid number ("storrute") in ARKO data. Polygons 0_16,..., 0_40 are identified or modelled habitat locations that do not contain species observation, but were described using NiN variables in 2019.
data_handling.R R script to calculate mean and total patch areas
iNaturalist_observations-214637.csv Comma separated download of observations in/around Gressholmen. Some observations have bad coordinates. See observations in iNaturalist.
polygondata.csv Additional information per polygon; p1-p15 correspond to polygons 1-15, or 35_1-35_15 in the image. Polygons 0_16-0_40 are also shown in the image. Vegetation type is given as rounded percentages of one of three major types (columns 2-9): T1 Bare rock, T2 Open shallow-soil ground, T32 Semi-natural grassland, or T4 Forest.
infer_absences.R An R script for expanding the occurrence.txt data file to include absences.
occurrence_pa.txt Occurrence data including absences, created with infer_absences.R
taxa_GBIF.csv Species names, including taxon rank and Norwegian common name, updated to name in GBIF taxonomy backbone that best matches the Norwegian Nomenclature database (October 2022). Includes OldName for the outdated species names to be replaced Oct 2022.
taxa_artsnavnebasen.csv Species names, including taxon rank and Norwegian common name, updated according to the Norwegian Species Nomenclature Database (Artsnavnebasen) (October 2022)

Polygons on Gressholmen

Related publications:

  • Bakkestuen, V., O. Stabbetorp, A. Molia, and Evju M. “Hotspot Åpen Grunnlendt Kalkmark i Oslofjordområdet. Beskrivelse Av Habitatet Og Forslag Til Overvåkingsopplegg Fra ARKO-Prosjektet [Hotspot Open Clacareos Vegetation on Shallow Soils in the Oslo Fjord. Habitat Description and Suggested Monitoring Scheme from the ARKO Project].” Vol. 1102. NINA Rapport. Oslo, 2014.
  • Evju, M., S. Blumentrath, O. Skarpaas, O. E. Stabbetorp, and A. Sverdrup-Thygeson. “Plant Species Occurrence in a Fragmented Grassland Landscape: The Importance of Species Traits.” Biodiversity and Conservation 24 (2015): 547–61.
  • Evju, Marianne, and Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson. “Spatial Configuration Matters: A Test of the Habitat Amount Hypothesis for Plants in Calcareous Grasslands.” Landscape Ecology 31, no. 9 (November 2016): 1891–1902. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-016-0405-7.
  • Olsen, Siri Lie, Marianne Evju, and Anders Endrestøl. “Fragmentation in Calcareous Grasslands: Species Specialization Matters.” Biodiversity and Conservation 27, no. 9 (July 2018): 2329–61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-018-1540-z.
  • Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne, Olav Skarpaas, Stefan Blumentrath, Tone Birkemoe, and Marianne Evju. “Habitat Connectivity Affects Specialist Species Richness More than Generalists in Veteran Trees.” Forest Ecology and Management 403 (November 2017): 96–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.08.003.
  • Wollan, A. K., V. Bakkestuen, K. Bjureke, H. Bratli, A. Endrestøl, O. E. Stabbetorp, A. Sverdrup-Thygeson, and R. Halvorsen. “Åpen Grunnlendt Kalkmark i Oslofjordområdet – et Hotspot-Habitat. Sluttrapport under ARKO-Prosjektets Periode II. NINA-Rapport 713.” Oslo: NINA, 2011.