Compile: make / make all Run tests: make clean && make TEST=1 Run in qemu: make qemu / make qemu-nox Debug with gdb: make qemu-gdb / make qemu-nox-gdb (in another terminal) gdb To use your solutions from lab 1: git merge lab1 To use sample lab 1 solutions: copy files in samples/ to appropriate directories List here the following info: 1. who you have worked with 2. whether you coded this assignment together, and if not, who worked on which part 3. brief description of what you have implemented 4. and anything else you would like us to know Brainstorming: 1 TQueue per topic, holding all subscribers to that topic Brainstorming memory allocation: - Palloc multiple pages (new function should not be that bad at all) - Allocate super pages - palloc (multiple pages) - edit the page translation system to accomodate super pages (more tedious) - free pages - assume this means continuous blocks of pages and super-pages too Evan: - We need special function to remove super page. Super pages have no corresponding table, Todo: - Add functions to import/export of each folder. (Can wait until finalized) - Brk: - Super page: - Need to supply vaddr that is divisible by 1024 * 4096 = 4MB