# JavaScript Tetris Game
This is a simple implementation of the classic Tetris game using pure JavaScript. The game features a graphical board, piece rotation, and score tracking (not yet implemented).
## Features
- Graphical Tetris board display
- Keyboard controls for moving and rotating pieces
- Random piece generation
- Piece rotation logic
- Row clearing when filled
- Difficulty settings for game speed
## Controls
- Up Arrow: Rotate the current piece
- Left Arrow: Move the piece left
- Right Arrow: Move the piece right
- Down Arrow: Move the piece down faster
## Getting Started
To run the game locally, simply open the `index.php` file in a web browser. No additional setup is required.
## Customization
You can customize the game's appearance and behavior by modifying the JavaScript code in the `jsTetris.php` file.
- Change the board size by modifying the `Board` array dimensions.
- Adjust the game speed by changing the `curinterval` and `mininterval` variables.
- Modify the piece shapes by altering the `Shapes` array.
## Future Improvements
- Implement score tracking and display
- Add start and pause functionality
- Improve code organization and modularity
- Enhance visual effects and styling
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.