
Yii Module & widget that registers inline JS and CSS to external file

Primary LanguagePHP


Yii Module & Widget that registers inline JS and CSS as an external file.


  1. Place EScriptStore into your modules directory.

  2. Edit config/main.php



  1. Register Inline JS as external script. The code bellow will register a script include to the head of your document.
<?php $this->beginWidget('EJSscript');  ?>
	var x = 100;
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

<h1>Some Heading</h2>

<?php $this->beginWidget('EJSscript');  ?>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
  1. Register Inline CSS as external script. The code bellow will register a script include to the head of your document.
<?php $this->beginWidget('ECSSscript');  ?>
	.someClass: {width:100px;}
	.someOther: {width:200px;}
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

<?php $this->beginWidget('ECSSscript');  ?>
	.someClassTwo: {width:101px;}
	.someOtherThree: {width:201px;}
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>