
An Experimental Git Dating Site: Alpha

##How to create a profile

  • Step 1: Clone the repo
% git clone
  • Step 2: Create a new branch from the profile branch with your profile name
% git checkout -b Your_Git_Username profile
  • Step 3: Create your profile by editing the file
  • Step 4: Change the name of to ''
  • Step 5: Commit and push your profile edits to your branch
% git rm
% git add
% git commit -m "Updated profile"
% git push origin Your_Git_Username

##How to find a mate

  • Step 1: Browse the branches and look for a profile that interests you.
  • Step 2: Checkout the branch of the user profile you want to date.
% git checkout Some_Username
  • Step 4: Copy your '' to the matches DIR
  • Step 5: Commit and push
% git add matches/
% git commit -m "Added new match"
% git push origin This_Branch_Name

##Create a date

  • Step 1: In your branches dates folder create a file with the name of the user you wish to date
  • Step 2: Commit and push to your branch
  • Step 3: Submit a pull request to the user you wish to date.

##Accept a date

  • Step 1: Simply merge any pull requests on your branch to except