
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting setup locally

  1. Install git and clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/evan10s/drive-safe.git
  2. Install node.js on your computer. This should also install a package manager called npm.
  3. Open a terminal in this directory. Then run npm install
    a. Windows only: When the package gyp is installed, you might get an error about MSBUILD. If this happens, follow these instructions: chjj/pty.js#60 (comment)
  4. See the Setting up .env section below for details on environment variables required
  5. Install MongoDB, and if desired, MongoDB Compass
  6. Start MongoDB on your computer
  7. You can run the app locally by running npm start
  8. Access your local instance by going to localhost:3000 in your browser.

Setting up .env

  1. Copy .env.example to a new file called .env
  2. Fill in the values as necessary to provide a value for all the required environment variables
Name Expected value
SESSIONS_SECRET_KEY String of 50 letters, numbers, or symbols to use as a secret key for sessions
DB_CONNECTION_STRING MongoDB connection string; if running locally, the default value in .env.example should work
PROD=false True for a production instance; false for a development instance
AUTOMATIC_CLIENT_ID Client ID for authentication using Automatic
AUTOMATIC_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret for authentication using Automatic


All development work should happen off in a branch off the master branch. Once you're finished, create a pull request to merge your branch into master.

Deploying on Heroku

  1. The master branch auto-deploys to https://drive-safe-staging.herokuapp.com/
  2. To deploy to the production site, access the Heroku pipeline and promote the staging build to production