
Set the system timezone based on IP geolocation

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Test status Coverage

tzupdate is a fully automated utility to set the system time using geolocation.


By default, tzupdate will geolocate you, get the timezone for that geolocation, and then attempt to link that timezone to /etc/localtime. You can pass -p to print the detected timezone without linking. You can also pass -a to pass an IP address to use, instead of geolocating you.

$ sudo tzupdate
Set system timezone to Europe/London.


To install the latest stable version from PyPi:

pip install -U tzupdate

To install the latest development version directly from GitHub:

pip install -U git+https://github.com/cdown/tzupdate.git@develop


tox -e quick