Create and share your pack lists, submit your lists for community shakedowns.
Add GearItem
Update GearItem
Delete GearItem
Style GearItem in list
Create and manage packlists
View a packlist
Signup flow
Style category table in Packlist
Splash screen
Create AppIcon
Add Packlist title/description to AddGearScreen
Remove items from Packlist
Toggle consumable/worn items in Packlist
Adjust GearItem quantity in Packlist
Add pie chart and total category weights view
Style list item in MyGearListsScreen
Way to change order of categories/items in categories
Search Gear Closet
Landing screen
Anon signin/signup
Forgot password flow
Email/phone verification
Error handling
Display + Upload GearItem image
Google Auth
Share public pack lists.
Allow others to leave general or item-specific comments on your public lists.
Share planned hikes/trips with users near your designated location.
Subscribe to receive notifications when a user is planning a hike near you
Allow users to search pack list db for lists containing a specific item
Allow users to rate public pack lists (?)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_JSClassCreate", referenced from ... libReact.a
Solution: Make sure JavascriptCore.framework
is added above libReact.a
under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries"
Keep an eye on this firebase issue.