

Archived and not maintained. Most likely the program targets dependencies that are too out of date anyway. My senior design project is now on the slow path to inevitable bitrot and eventual deletion when github gets rid of this repo someday in the far future.


SpotCheck is a fast computer vision desktop app designed to identify and quantify eliptical features in three-dimensional height maps.

The application frontend is written with web technologies via nwjs, and the performance critical image processing parts of the program run on a C++ backend implemented as an addon to nodejs. The backend API exposes a javascript class, called backend, which can be used to asynchronously invoke C++ functions that reference OpenCV by delegating them to nodejs' libuv threadpool.

Build Steps

Build dependencies:

  • nodejs
  • python 3.0.0 > x >= 2.5.0
  • nwjs
  • nw-gyp
  • OpenCV (Windows build currently requires version 2.4.13 for the pre-compiled static libs)
  • Some version of bash
  • A C++ compiler (try these: Linux: gcc, macOS: clang, Windows: Visual Studio >= 2012)

Build Steps:

  1. Compile the backend:
cd spotcheck/backend &&
nw-gyp configure --target=0.18.3 &&
nw-gyp build --target=0.18.3
  1. Go to project root and zip everything
  2. Rename the archive to SpotCheck.nw
  3. Now the app can be run with the nw command (assuming you installed nwjs globally with npm)

Note: for compiling with Visual Studio 2013, you may need to do this: