
Signup repo for FastFloward developers to join DAO

Join DAO


  1. Go to this online Base64 encoder and encode your Discord username: https://www.base64encode.org/
  2. Add the Base64-encoded value to the "Join Requests" list below.
  3. Add your FastFloward rank — Flow Quester, Flow Sorcerer or Ultimate Flow God — after your name.
  4. Submit a Pull request with the edit.

Join Requests

dGVjaGJ1YmJsZSMwMDAx Flow Sorcerer

dHNuYWtlamFrZSM4MzY0 Ultimate Flow God

YnojMDc4MA Ultimate Flow God

ajAwbHog8J+SqyMyMTU1 Ultimate Flow God

S01hYyAoaTAwMTk2MikjMTkwMw (I have no idea what level. Only completed first quest.)

Z2VsIzk2MDI Ultimate Flow God

ZXZhbndpbGxpYW1zIzI5MzU Ultimate Flow God

c2t5b25lIzgxNDA Ultimate Flow God

Q2FvcyMyMTE2 Ultimate Flow God