
Files I'm using to educate myself in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


In the directory CALEB_CURRY, I've started assembling an app called App.cpp. *Executable 'App'

[]# Languages: C++, C, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
[]# Programs: Guessing_Game
          MDY                ***Bugs***
          ArrayTutorial   **To be replaced with 'mdy'**
          TicTacToe         *Work in progress*
[]# Path: /workspace/AppCPP/App.cpp


Simple number guessing game inspired from Caleb Curry's C++ tutorial. With my own flavor added!


An application for finding out how many days away a certain date is from the current day. And the Day of the Week! It only works forward currently and isn't implemented in App.cpp yet. Needs debugging and re-engineering certain features.


My most recent program! And my proudest work so far. It's my second program that I developed completely from scratch with no outside help. I'm sure I could cut down on some code and make it prettier, but I think I've created a pretty good version of hangman for Linux terminal!


A simple tutorial about how arrays work in C++. Deprecated. TO BE REPLACED WITH TOOLS.

#TicTacToe A game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Final program will have two modes, Versus-Computer and Versus-Human. In Versus-Computer mode, the player can choose a difficult from Easy to Impossible. In Versus-Human mode you can play against another person. Both versions contain a coin flip in the beginning to decide who will go first. X always goes first. The AI for the Computer mode will test my ability to create and play test artificial intelligence of my own design. Hopefully...


This App.cpp file is the main file for my program. Essentially, I want to create a number of projects, each to challenge myself with programming in C++.

Long-term goals are to create a website to platform a portfolio with all of my projects and show off my skillset.

Just finished writing and debugging code for a hangman game from scratch in C++. Next step is to implement it into my App.cpp main file and begin looking into HTML, CSS, and JS to start making an online presence for myself.

I'm also reaching out to OTHER CODERS out there who would be willing to collaborate on a few projects and repositories. I can share what I've learned in C++ and my experiences with programming certain projects and vice versa.

I want to learn and help others learn as well! I hope to talk to you guys/gals soon!