SMSAPI plugin for Mautic

Integration and with Mautic.


  1. Mautic 4
  2. PHP 7+


  1. Download the latest plugin version
  2. Extract it to plugins/MauticSmsapiBundle
  3. Delete cache php bin/console cache:clear
  4. Run php bin/console mautic:plugins:install
  5. Go to Plugins in Mautic's admin menu (/s/plugins)
  6. Click on SMSAPI, publish, and configure OAuth credentials (contact with SMSAPI support for Client ID and Client Secret)
  7. Connect with SMSAPI by click on button Authorize App and confirm access on SMSAPI page
  8. Go to Mautic's Configuration (/s/config/edit), click on the Text Message Settings, then choose SMSAPI as the default transport.

Integration with old Mautic versions

Documentation for SMSAPI integration with Mautic version 2. Documentation for SMSAPI integration with Mautic version 3.