
Chef Workshop Requirement #1: Creating a MongoDB instance on a RHEL based configuration

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


This cookbook installs and configures a simple MongoDB instance


Add 'mongo' to your node's run list.


Supports only CentOS or other RHEL variants at this time. It is expected that ChefDK, chef-client and inspec are installed on the testing platform

The components that this cookbook were tested against were as follows

Chef Development Kit Version: 2.5.3 chef-client version: 13.8.5 berks version: 6.3.1 kitchen version: 1.20.0 inspec version: 1.51.21

The Chef Development Kit may be downloaded at https://downloads.chef.io/chefdk/3.0.36 Inspec may be downloaded at https://www.inspec.io/downloads/

Please note that git is a requirement for the deployment of Chef.

Optionally Vagrant may be downloaded at https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html.
This is not a requirement for the operation of the cookbook however this utility can be useful if other configuration options are to be considered for the deployment.

Please note that testing was conducted on a Mac utilizing Oracle VirtualBox Manager version 5.2.12. Downloads for this utility can be found at https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads. Please note that this is an optional utility as testing can be conducted utilizing the chef-client. Please consult the chef documentation at https://docs.chef.io/ for further details


This cookbook was developed utilizing test kitchen and Vagrant. During each run, the resulting server is deployed to VirtualBox.

To run the test, please be in the 1_MongoDB directory

A .kitchen.yml file is provided. Run kitchen test to verify this cookbook.

The kitchen test cycle is composed of the following steps:

o kitchen converge. This creates an instance of the deployed image

o kitchen verify. This command verifies that the deployed instance is operating as expected.

o kitchen destroy. Will remove the deployed instance

Optional commands:

o kitchen login Will allow the user to connect to a deployed image

Environment validation

o Login into the deployed instance utilizing kitchen login o Run mongo to produce

MongoDB shell version v3.6.5 connecting to: mongodb:// MongoDB server version: 3.6.5

Welcome to the MongoDB shell.

For interactive help, type "help".

For more comprehensive documentation, see


Questions? Try the support group


Please note that you should not generate any warnings or errors during connection

o Type exit to leave the shell

o Run mongo -u superAdmin -p admin123 admin to connect the admin database User authentication has been enabled as part of the deployment

o Run help


db.help()                    help on db methods
db.mycoll.help()             help on collection methods
sh.help()                    sharding helpers
rs.help()                    replica set helpers
help admin                   administrative help
help connect                 connecting to a db help
help keys                    key shortcuts
help misc                    misc things to know
help mr                      mapreduce

show dbs                     show database names
show collections             show collections in current database
show users                   show users in current database
show profile                 show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
show logs                    show the accessible logger names
show log [name]              prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
use <db_name>                set current database
db.foo.find()                list objects in collection foo
db.foo.find( { a : 1 } )     list objects in foo where a == 1
it                           result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x   set default number of items to display on shell
exit                         quit the mongo shell

o Run show collections

show collections



o Run show users

show users

{ "id": "admin.superAdmin",

"user": :superAdmin"

"db": "admin",

"roles" : [


          "role" : "root",

          "db" : "admin"




For further information on other MongoDB commands please consult the user documentation