
A collection of tools for Wildland Fire Crew managers to use. Built with Laravel and React.

Primary LanguagePHP


A collection of data-management & record-keeping tools for Wildland Firefighters.

Build Status


Your dev machine must have the following installed in order to 'vagrant up' and build the project:

Vagrant Plugins:

  1. vagrant-hostmanager: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

  2. vagrant-vbguest: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


You will need ansible >= v2.4.0 to provision the vagrant machine.

Building the project

This project is packaged with a Vagrantfile and an Ansible playbook to construct a replica of the production server environment.

  1. Make sure you clone the submodule, which contains the Ansible playbook for provisioning the vagrant box:

     $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Create the Ansible Vault password file. There are some encrypted files in the Ansible Playbook which need to be decrypted before the playbook will run. Create a file called ansible_vault_password in the project root. The vault password should be the entire content of this file.

     $ cat > ansible_vault_password <<< YOUR_VAULT_PASSWORD
  3. Build the Vagrant machine - this will take about 5 minutes to complete because of the Ansible provisioning

     $ vagrant up
     $ vagrant ssh
     $ sudo -iu firecrew
     $ cd /home/firecrew/sites/firecrew.us.local
     $ composer install
     $ php artisan key:generate && php artisan migrate
  4. You may then run seeders if you want. Running ALL seeders will include an ETL from an inventory v1.0 database.

     $ php artisan db:seed
  5. On your HOST machine, navigate to the project folder and run:

     $ yarn
     $ yarn run watch

Viewing in the browser

After building the project in your vagrant machine, you should be able to view the site in your browser at:
