Pinned Repositories
All of the power, none of the ugly. This electric charge parts addon adding several streamlined radial attached parts: one radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and one fuel cell, for Kerbal Space Program.
This parts pack contains engines, tanks, and other part categories in three behemoth sizes that do not exist in stock KSP, namely 5m, 7.5m, and 10m. Parts are color-coded according to the universal electronic color code. For Kerbal Space Program.
An utility to allow easier science gathering in orbit, by automatically de-warping when entering a biome which hasn't been listed. For Kerbal Space Program.
Adds BobCat Industries's agent, flags, and common config files used in all Fuel Tanks Plus add-ons for Kerbal Space Program.
This add-on provides a common agent, flag, and configs for all DaMichel products, for Kerbal Space Program.
"Everland" - a team pet project by students of the "Web Developer+" course at Yandex.Praktikum.
This repository showcases my work as a Fullstack Developer student during my studies at Yandex Practicum. The goal of this project was to create a visually stunning and responsive landing page for Givenchy's Spring Summer 2021 collection, designed by Matthew M. Williams.
Project 'Mesto'
Проект: Путешествие по России
evanisrael's Repositories
All of the power, none of the ugly. This electric charge parts addon adding several streamlined radial attached parts: one radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and one fuel cell, for Kerbal Space Program.
This parts pack contains engines, tanks, and other part categories in three behemoth sizes that do not exist in stock KSP, namely 5m, 7.5m, and 10m. Parts are color-coded according to the universal electronic color code. For Kerbal Space Program.
Adds BobCat Industries's agent, flags, and common config files used in all Fuel Tanks Plus add-ons for Kerbal Space Program.
This add-on provides a common agent, flag, and configs for all DaMichel products, for Kerbal Space Program.
Stockalike curved wraparound droptanks with an integrated decoupler for Kerbal Space Program.
3.75m stockalike curved wraparound (conformal) Drop Tanks with an integrated decoupler for Kerbal Space Program.
A stockalike parts mod that supplies up to three two occupant command pods with minimal performance impact for Kerbal Space Program.
Adds Fuel Tanks Plus Limited's agent, flags, and common config files used in all Fuel Tanks Plus add-ons for Kerbal Space Program.
A set of fuel tanks that are longer than largest stock tanks in each diameter, plus fuel-filled nose cones for those diameters. These are meant to give you some visual choice of styles that are loosely inspired by real-world rockets from NASA, ESA, and private space firms (though that inspiration is mainly in color choice), while maintaining the st
Simple automatic resource transfer and balance, for Kerbal Space Program.
Space.Just.Got.Hacked.™ Provides a common agent, flag, and configs for all Kerbal Hacks products. For Kerbal Space Program.
Our Mission is Kerbol. This add-on provides a common agent, flags, and configs for all Klockheed Martian products, for Kerbal Space Program.
Two size zero (0.625m) parts that make up an autonomous return capsule to stuff your experiments in for Kerbal Space Program.
The Soviet Space Station Мир (MIR) for Kerbal Space Program.
Agent, flags and common configs for Mkerb Inc. For Kerbal Space Program.
A stock-alike parts pack that fills in a variety of gaps in the stock lineup of rocketry parts for Kerbal Space Program.
Monero agent and flags for use in Kerbal Space Program.
V2 Industries presents a parts pack consists of a variety of rover parts that seeks to fill a kerbal's need for thrill and adventure in the way of exploration and little to no safety guidelines. Included are both the HoneyBadger and Puma platforms for Kerbal Space Program.
Scrapyard based part failure mod for Kerbal Space Program.
Soviet Протон (Proton) expendable launch system for Kerbal Space Program.
An add-on that adds a safety fence around the Kerbal Space Center, for Kerbal Space Program.
New rocket science, how hard can it be... Four new science instruments partly based on real world experiments for Kerbal Space Program.
Space Shuttle Engine (SSE) pack by Klockheed Martian Engine Manufacturer - for Kerbal Space Program.
Space, why? Because it's there! Y is greater than X. Adds SpaceY Corp's agent, flags, and common config files used in all SpaceY add-ons for Kerbal Space Program.
An expansion pack for the SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) parts addon and adds 7.5m parts, plus additional engines, accessories, and other parts that go beyond the original stated purpose of SpaceY Heavy Lifters. For Kerbal Space Program. **This pack requires SpaceY Corp (SYC), SpaceY Lifters (SYL) and Module Manager, to be installed as dependencies.**
Parts for large lifting rockets, 5m rocket parts and large SRBs, and matching decouplers for Kerbal Space Program.
ModularManagement config script to add a Universal Storage Fuel Cell that can use Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer instead of other resources.