
Small things that I found useful more than once

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Hacks: Small useful things

I often write little throwaway tools when I am working. Occasionally, I write the same tool more than once, at which point I try to turn it into a more serious thing. This is my collection of them. These are for me, but I'm making this public and open source in case they are helpful to others.

Upgrading everything to the latest version

  • go get -u -v ./...
  • Edit getprotoc/getprotoc.go with the latest protoc version number.
  • Run go run ./getprotoc --computeHashes and copy/paste.
  • Edit runtypescript/runtypescript.go with the latest node LTS version number.
  • Run go run ./runtypescript --computeHashes and copy/paste.
  • Edit Dockerfile-testing with the latest Go/Debian release image name

timeparse: parse a time into local, UTC, and unix times

Attempts to guess what format a time is in, and converts it to local time, UTC, and unix timestamps. Example:

$ go run ./timeparse 'Sat Dec 12 13:27:44 EST 2020'
Sat Dec 12 13:27:44 EST 2020 (unix_date)
  LOCAL: 2020-12-12T13:27:44-05:00  UTC: 2020-12-12T18:27:44Z  UNIX EPOCH: 1607797664

makeflaky: pause a process to make tests flaky

Many tests are flaky because they depend on real time, or other scheduling order between threads. This tool sends SIGSTOP/SIGCONT signals to temporarily pause and resume a process, which causes tests to run much slower, like they do on slow CI servers. Use --stopPeriod to adjust the length of the pause. Use --goTest to Examples:

$ go run ./makeflaky --stopPeriod=20ms 6034
2020/12/22 16:55:04 slowing down pid=6034; runPeriod=10ms; stopPeriod=20ms (33.3% duty cycle)...
2020/12/22 16:55:49 sent 1307 signals

$ go run ./makeflaky --goTest --runPeriod=20ms --stopPeriod=30ms -- -race ./protodecode -count=50

protodecode: decode protocol buffer bytes without a schema

This is useful for debugging raw data that contains a protocol buffer, but you aren't sure which. It can also partially decode corrupt or invalid protocol buffer messages. This makes it useful for debugging! Example:

bytes 0-11: field=1 type=0 (varint) uint=9223372036854775808
bytes 11-25: field=2 type=2 (length-delimited) len=12 str="Héllo 🌎!" hex=48c3a96c6c6f20f09f8c8e21
bytes 25-39: field=4 type=2 (length-delimited) len=12 nested message
  bytes 27-33: field=1 type=0 (varint) uint=1607863096
  bytes 33-39: field=2 type=0 (varint) uint=437553000

postgrestmp: start a temporary postgres shell

Creates a new Postgres database in a temporary directory, then runs the psql command line utility to connect to it. When psql exits, the database is deleted. Example:

$ go run ./postgrestmp 
initializing temporary postgres database in /var/folders/s_/cmjk7jmx445cbktl7q_p2z0r0000gn/T/postgrestmp_707622637 ...

[... postgres output omitted ...]

starting psql ...
2020-12-12 13:56:45.520 EST [4446] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2020-12-12 13:56:45 EST
2020-12-12 13:56:45.523 EST [4445] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
psql (13.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# create table hello (id integer, value text);
postgres=# insert into hello values (1, 'a'), (1, 'b');
postgres=# select id, count(*) from hello group by id;
 id | count 
  1 |     2
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
2020-12-12 13:57:24.747 EST [4445] LOG:  database system is shut down

httpping: Time HTTP(s) requests

Executes a sequence of HTTP GET requests to a URL and reports some average statistics about the requests. It also logs the individual requests which are slower than a given threshold. I think I used this to get some average latency numbers, and to check for slow request outliers.

$ go run ./httpping https://www.google.com/
2020/12/12 14:04:40 pinging https://www.google.com/ ...
2020/12/12 14:04:40 slow request duration=226.668295ms; start=2020-12-12 14:04:40.379114 -0500 EST m=+0.000624301; end=2020-12-12 14:04:40.605781 -0500 EST m=+0.227292596
2020/12/12 14:04:45 slow request duration=120.824503ms; start=2020-12-12 14:04:45.434547 -0500 EST m=+5.056064727; end=2020-12-12 14:04:45.555372 -0500 EST m=+5.176889230
2020/12/12 14:04:55 204 requests in 15.007340924s = 13.59 req/sec rate; slowest=226.668295ms ; total 2857515 body bytes = 14007.4 bytes/req

unimportedpkgs: Lists packages that are not imported

lastimport: Finds the git commit that removed the last import