
Node.js customer relationship management system.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Node.js customer relationship management system.


var Perms = { _Rixits : "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/", pack : function(binary) { var rixit; var residual = parseInt(binary, 2); var result = ''; do { rixit = residual % 64 result = this._Rixits.charAt(rixit) + result; residual = Math.floor(residual / 64); } while(residual != 0); return result; }, unpack : function(rixits) { var result = 0; rixits = rixits.split(''); for (e in rixits) result = (result * 64) + this._Rixits.indexOf(rixits[e]); return result.toString(2); } };

/* user object should have no knowledge of roles/groups all read/write perms for everything will be encoded to user.pm

user = { un: 'username', pm: 'permission-string' }

on request: if jwt exists (cookie or header): use jwt lib to read jwt if jwt is valid and not exp: user.permissions = unpack(user.pm) if jwt is exp: lookup in refresh table ("un:pm"): if exists: create new jwt if not exists: no action (guest access) if jwt is invalid: no action (guest access) if no jwt exists: no action (guest acess)

secret should refresh every hour to force new tokens to be generated both the current and last hour secrets should be held if we can't decrypt with current secret, try last hour secret if read: repack with current secret if not read: no action (guest acess)

refresh token should be a separate entity. it will hold user.un + "." + user.pm + "." + random can also be sent through cookie or header

Permissions module: load from db: find all permissions and make masks for them perms.masks.permName = 00000100000000 { hasPermission: function(mask) { // check if user needs to refresh permissions (use time-based perms) } }

on gen jwt: delete user.permissions */

(function(binary) { var start, time, packed, unpacked; console.log('original: ' + binary); start = (new Date).getTime(); packed = Perms.pack(binary); time = (new Date).getTime() - start; console.log('packed: ' + packed + ' (' + time + 'ms)'); start = (new Date).getTime(); unpacked = Perms.unpack(packed); time = (new Date).getTime() - start; console.log('unpacked: ' + unpacked + ' (' + time + 'ms)'); return binary == unpacked; })('11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111');