How To Build CDO

System Requirements

Operating System

This guide is tailored for Debian-based Linux distros.


Fortran 77 and 90/95 compilers are required for the installation of the GRIB API and hence, CDO. By default, these may not be installed so if you get no response from which gfortran and/or which fort77, install them by typing: sudo apt-get install gfortran and/or sudo apt-get install fort77; appropriately. You will also need the C compilers: gcc and g++.

Part 0 - Downloading CDO and it's Prerequisites

This guide is tailored for CDO 1.8.2 and its prerequisite libs. At this time, these can be obtained via:


Note: If you decide to use different versions of these packages then you must change the commands I've provided accordingly.

Part 1 - Installing Prerequisite Libraries

Note: make sure you are running these commands from a user owned directory like, ~/Downloads/cdo_config_dir/, the one that I used. Further note, that CDO and all other libraries will be installed in a root owned directory so make all install must be run by the superuser, i.e. sudo make all install.

Unpack the prerequisite tarball and enter directory

tar -xzvf libs4cdo-0.0.11.tar.gz
cd libs4cdo-0.0.11

Set environment variables for compilers

export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export FC=gfortran
export F77=fort77

Set environment variable for the desired installation directory

export CDODIR=/usr/local/cdo_dir

Install zlib

cd zlib-1.2.3/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --shared
sudo make all install

Update built-in environment variable for finding non-standard libraries


Install szip

cd ../szip-2.1/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR
sudo make all install

Install Jasper

cd ../jasper-1.900.1/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --enable-shared --with-pic
sudo make all install

Install Proj

cd ../proj-4.8.0/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --without-mutex --without-jni
sudo make all install

Install HDF5

cd ../hdf5-1.8.15/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --with-zlib=$CDODIR
sudo make all install

Install NetCDF-3

cd ../netcdf-3.6.3/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --enable-c-only --enable-shared
sudo make all install

Install NetCDF-4

**Note: requires m4. Install with sudo apt-get install m4.

cd ../netcdf-
CPPFLAGS=-I$CDODIR/include LDFLAGS=-L$CDODIR/lib ./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --enable-shared --enable-netcdf-4 --with-pic --disable-doxygen
sudo make all install

Install GRIB API

cd ../grib_api-1.13.1/
autoreconf -ivf
CFLAGS='-DPIC -fPIC' ./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --with-jasper=$CDODIR
sudo make all install

Part 2 - Installing CDO

Return to directory with tars and unpack CDO

cd ../..
tar -xzvf cdo-1.8.2.tar.gz 

Install CDO

cd cdo-1.8.2/
./configure --prefix=$CDODIR --with-netcdf=$CDODIR --with-hdf5=$CDODIR --with-grib_api=$CDODIR --with-proj=$CDODIR
sudo make all install

Update PATH environment variable

export PATH=/usr/local/cdo_dir/bin:$PATH

Update bashrc file

echo 'PATH=/usr/local/cdo_dir/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Check to ensure cdo command works

cdo -V