

nvm use
pnpm i
pnpm dev


pnpm staging # build in staging mode
pnpm build # build in production mode


pnpm preview


Add params to URL to turn on/off some features.

List of params:
debug: Enable debug panes, stats, camera.
orbit: Enable OrbitControls, debug must be enabled.
skip-screen-record: Disable video creation.
skip-camera: Disable camera & Tensorflow compute.
step: Go to specific step. Write precise name without 'step' in the end. Example: step=dance.
tensorflow: Select tensorflow compute mode. gpu or cpu. cpu has memory leaks. gpu if nothing is set.

s/o Titou pour le starter


To merge all UI sound in a sprite :

  1. Install audiosprite : npm install -g audiosprite
  2. Put all UI sounds in assets/audio at the project's root
  3. Type pnpm build-assets or npm run build-assets
  4. Update UI_IDS in AudioManager.js with corresponding names

To add musics :

  1. Put them in src/assets/audio/musics
  2. Update musics.json in src/scripts/Core/audio by giving musics' name and source file
  3. Update MUSIC_IDS in AudioManager.js with corresponding names