- Evan Pollack
- Michael Bashner
- Dan Zhang
- Style heavily changed from previous project!
- Changed text color, font, and line height to increase readability
- Changed denim background to solid blue, so the website has more of a "techy" (navy, black) aesthetic
- Removed hero bubble banner at top of page
- Directory layout follows Michael's F-Pattern
- Index layout follows basic Z-Pattern
- The z-pattern uses a navy to blue linear background gradient that follows reading gravity
- Added rounded corners to directory to help give sleek modern feel
- Bo Wu
- Emely Rosa
- Eun Lim Kim
- A college student has
- name
- major
- photo
- about two decades of past experience of life
- any remarkable time / move in past 20-year life
- education experience
- taken some major courses
- a list of major courses
- Person has
- hobby
- what you like to do in your spare time?
- hobby
Overall, our pages are organized by alphabet order and general-to-specific order (a kind of hierarchy).
We have 5 pages including the home page, the directory, Bo's page, Emely's page, and Kim's Page. Following the general to specific order, we decide to put home page on the left most in the navigation bar. Then the directory and then the student specific pages are a dropdown from the directory button. Then Bo, Emely, Kim are arranged in alphabetic order.
Within the home(index) page, the z-pattern uses a navy to blue linear background gradient that follows the reading gravity from the top left to the bottom right to help guide the user's vision.
Within each personal page, we decide to use general-to-specific order from top to bottom. There are 4 sections - overview, early years, major course list, hobby. Overview is summary of the page so it is the most general section. Early years is the summary of our past 20 years so it is the second most general section. Major courses and Hobby are really specific sections. Hobby is the most specific one because everyone has a special leisure activity and reasons behind it. By the way, to some degree, the past experience also influence which major and hobby we choose today. It is also a kind of time order.