Gatsby Starter for the Emulsify Design System (Twig)

🚀 Install

yarn or npm install

🔧 Develop

yarn develop or npm develop

Documenting Components

Create a Code.mdx file alongside one of your components.

Inside of Code.mdx, simply use the <Code />, <Component />, and/or <TableOfContents /> components in your MDX to fluidly author your docs and inline code snippets and rendered examples of your component.


title: "CTAs"
description: "Call To Action component for use on landing pages"
tab: "Code"
tabOrder: 1
publishToStyleGuide: true

<TableOfContents />

# This is a CTA

## Example

<Component />

## Source

<Code />

This file will be used to generate a "Code" tab on CTA component documentation. Create any number of tabs: "Style", "Usage", etc...

Custom MDX components available:

  • <Code /> renders the source for you component with syntax highlighting
  • <Component /> renders your component inline
  • <TableOfContents /> renders a Table of Contents for the given page

Custom pages

In a styleguide directory in your component library root directory, you can create custom pages to be added to your design system.

For example, inside styleguide, you can create a directory called 1__Getting Started.

💡 Hint Prepending your directories with numbers like "1__" is a great way to sort your sidebar links.

Inside 1__Getting Started create


title: "Welcome"
description: "Welcome to the Acme Corporation design system"
publishToStyleGuide: true

# Welcome to the Acme Corporation design system!

This page will be automatically added to the menu bar in your design system.