Hello! 👋

I'm Evan, a game developer and full-stack developer based out of Birmingham, AL. I've been a full-time software engineer since 2018. I currently work at Unchained Entertainment, primarily as a UI engineer for their titles Camelot Unchained and Final Stand: Ragnarök.

As an independent developer, I published an MMO project which I continue to run. I also participated in three game jams, each of my submissions winning awards.

I maintain the "Pixel Pigeon" game engine which I use to develop my games.

RetroMMO Dungeon Deli
Live service game Bigmode Game Jam 2023 submission
RetroMMO Dungeon Deli
ScatterPaws Teleport Tower
Ludwig Jam 2023 submission Ludwig Jam 2021 submission
ScatterPaws Teleport Tower