Team Forecast is a service to let teams forecast on events to help hone their prediction skills.

Getting Started

echo 'DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?schema=public"' > .env.local
echo "NEXTAUTH_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env.local
docker compose up
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Commiting to main will trigger a deploy in vercel automatically.

Work to do:




  • QuestionID: A unique identifier for each question.
  • CreatedBy: The UserID of the user who created the question.
  • CreatedAt: The date and time the question was created.
  • AnonymousQuestion: whether the question's author should be visible
  • Title: The title of the question.
  • Description: A detailed description of the question.
  • Category: The category or topic to which the question belongs.
  • ClosingDate: The date and time when the prediction window closes.
  • ResultDate: The date and time of the result set being set.
  • ResultValue: Final value (0 or 1) for the question.

Forecast Log Entry

  • PredictionID: A unique identifier for each prediction.
  • QuestionID: The ID of the question to which the prediction relates.
  • UserID: The ID of the user who made the prediction.
  • AnonymousPrediction: whether the prediction's author should be visible
  • CreatedAt: The date and time the prediction was made.
  • PredictionValue: The specific prediction made by the user (% chance only rn)


  • CategoryID: A unique identifier for each category.
  • CategoryName: The name of the category.
  • Description: A brief description of the category.


  • CommentID: A unique identifier for each comment.
  • UserID: The ID of the user who made the comment.
  • QuestionID: The ID of the question to which the comment relates.
  • AnonymousComment: whether the comment's author should be visible
  • CreatedAt: The date and time the comment was made.
  • CommentText: The text of the comment.


Question creation

  • create new question
  • edit existing question
  • close question
  • resolve question

Create prediction

  • create new prediction


  • copy from team prediction


  • create category

Send Slack message

  • send slack on new market creation